With all our VPS products 9:1 price / performance ratio is maintained. This means that we outperform competitor's products in 8 out of 9 features. Our combined product evaluation total score is 82% vs. 38% (competitors).
Bespoke product solution, brand awareness, running costs, customer support, quality, reliability, durability are all in favor of VPS, with only slight penalty of increased price. If you are looking for the best product on the market, look no further. With 3 years of unlimited warranty we are the brand of choice of many high end workshops, stores and individuals.
VPS is a branch of European company Vargalant Original d.o.o., located in Slovenia and established in 1977.
We are specialized in fabrication of performance chassis and suspension parts for different types of application since 1977.
Our success comes from research, development, innovation and constant improvement.
With access to latest technology, we can adapt to customers needs and fulfill the most demanding quests.
From sport and race cars, to industrial and military vehicles and special projects for aviation. With wide range of products, we can cover all your needs.